So, things have quieted down significantly since Jason went home. Apparently he DID get his upgrade to first class and enjoyed his flight home. Well enjoyed is probably a little strong, but it certainly wasn't bad at all :) We have just been hanging out in our house basically. Due to many reasons.
1) Sometimes you just get partied out. Not that either of us really drink alot - we don't. Maybe 2 drinks each, but you get a little blech about taking the train all the time and then having to wait for the first one to get home
2) Well, not much going on recently. No sayounaras, not many birthdays, really only the occasional thing.
3) Money. Money, money money moooooneeeey. Mooooooneeeey. After Europe (which cost as much as 2 vacations), and Jason visiting (more time off and then trip to Tokyo which cost money) and picking up our tix to visit our families in January - uhmm we have a bit of a lack of it right now you might say ;) Hehe. Not like we're starving or anything. We always have money for food and rent, but no fun money.
How convenient that Richard downloaded the TV program for me to watch LOL!!!!! Fate you think.......? Anyway, I'm enjoying the downtime and working my little tushy off at work to make up for the lack. I only get paid by the contract so my salary is kind of unpredictable. On the plus side of being busy, my cheque next month should be reasonably fat. Thank goodness!!! So, when I finish this blog, I will probably turn on the old bube tube and clean up the house until its time to make some din din. Not that anyone cares but I found steaks today in Life supermarket for 1000 yen for 3 steaks. (Japanese ones which means its about the size of one regular North American steak!!) And normally one pathetically small Japanese steak is the same price as the pack of 3 I found today so.... Yah!!! Steak it is tonight. Mmmmmmmm, burned cow. So, gotta go. TV to watch and cow to cook. Catch you on the flip side.