Currently, I am blogging from an internet cafe in Hong Kong at 1AM. Holy cthings I've crap, its been a really busy 4 days!! We head back to Osaka tomorrow - but before we fly out at 3PM, we're still hoping to hit another temple and see the big outdoor buddha. I think I'm just going to sleep for a week when I get back home. The trip has been fantastic! I've had a great time and bought lots of souvenirs for people.
List of things I've done so far:
Navigated our way to the hostel avoiding the plague of guys outside who want to 1) sell you something (fake bags/watches/massages) or 2) send you to whatever hostel they represent regardless of the fact that you have a reservation somewhere else
Get a little ripped off by the hostel, but really only by $5 a night so who cares.
See the AWESOME city skyline. We walked down to the waters edge past some cool ass buildings and walked along the promenade and saw the light show that involves buildings across the bay.
Eat some fantastic Hong Kong food. All over. Various prices, various styles, but all good.
Do some shopping at the night market.
See some landmark buildings on Hong Kong Island.
Use the very clean and very efficient MTR system here in the city.
Go to Hong Kong Disneyland!! Yah! Its the smallest one they have (still under construction) but its still the magic kingdom.
See 1000 buddhas. Really, there is 1000. And a really cool ass temple.
Buy some really cheap, and some not so cheap souvenirs. Temple prices are always inflated.
Get harassed every day by the SAME guys standing outside the hostel. Again and again. "I have cheap bag!"
Speaking of bags, buy a D & G bag for a ridiculously cheap price.
Avoid getting my socks wet in the bathroom - the shower and toilet are in the same room. On the plus side, its private. There is Mickey Mouse on the half see through doors. Perhaps this is what triggered the Disneyland Trip. Is my hostel in cahoots with Disney???
Find this internet cafe where the guy who runs it is half Japanese. Talk about weird. Nice guy!! And meet a random Dutch guy who I'll probably keep in touch with. He seems nice.
Have a generally fantastic time!!
Whew. Thats all I can manage. I need to hit the hay! I also took about a million pictures (had to buy a memory card) so I be posting those eventually too.
Have a good night everyone!