Saturday, December 30, 2006

Moooooving on!

Ground control to Major Tom......
Our circuit's dead (or soon will be) ....

So we are moving into the new place tomorrow and will have NO INTERNET until Yahoo BB gets their ass in gear and sets us up. Apparently it takes a whole month for these mofos to stop at your house and say 'yep, ok you can have internet now'. What do they do at your house that is sooooo important you ask that it takes a whole month for them to come and do it? Look at your jack and say the above. *sigh* Japanese companies I tell ya. Don't worry we will be checking our mail and trying to post as much as possible from work etc. And whoever wins the contest will still get their dandy Japanese prezzie. Just don't take it personal if we can't get back to ya right away, mmmkay?

On the plus side, our new place rocks. Pictures will be posted as soon as we have everything all moved in and organised. Wish us luck in the move! We've collected enough crap here to make the move all fun and interesting :P


QUASAR9 said...

There's a lady who thinks
all that glitters is gold
and she's building a stairway
to heaven in her next new home

QUASAR9 said...

Hi Cevanneh, glad you and Rich are having a great Xmas.

Here's wishing you and you and you and Osakaotaku lots of cheer
for the incoming year too

samuraifingers said...

New apartments all around I say!
I wish I knew where the hell I would be staying so I could start researching my surroundings a little more!

Oh well...nothing like 'just doing it'...


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the move. Let me know the new address, and a reference point if it's in an area I know!

karaoke queen said...

Thanks Q, we hope you had a nice holiday too and best to you in the new year!

As for you JNM, you know who to talk to if your apartment sucks :D

Bec, we're not that far away from the old place. You know the big street that is just past our place with the UFJ etc? You go another few blocks past there until you hit a little bridge, walk over the bridge, and turn right. Straight up in that residential area.

Mr. Fab, thanks for the kind wishes! You too!

Thanks R, we finished the move and everything got in - come hell or high water as they say. Tell you about it in a post....