Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Highlights from Milano

Near the heart of Milano.

Hanging about by the Milano Duomo.

On the roof.

Notice the details.

A view from the roof.

The top was closed.

Everyday sights in Italy.

The Dieselwall.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Highlights of Torino

Here we are with our friend Vanni in Milano. He put up with us for a few nights and days, even though he was sick. He's a nice guy.

The streets of Torino were filled with old buildings.

Here we are with the monuments of Egypt's dead. Jamie was really happy. She loves old dead things.

Ooooh. Scary.

Look at his hair!

Zelda anyone?

The relaxing ride home.

Highlights of Eze

So in France we visited a nice medieval village called Eze. It was an old village built around a hilltop castle. The castle was destroyed but the city was rebuilt and now is a great tourist spot between Nice and Monaco.

Here is the view from the bottom.

Looking out and enjoying the view.

The steps of Eze.

Jamie is re-thinking about learning Japanese as life in France can be quite wonderful.

I tried sneaking away but she found me.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Torino - mummy where are you?

So we went to Torino yesterday to see the Egyptian museum. Fantastic is all I have to say. It makes me want to go to Cairo and London again just to see the stuff they have there! No pics for you guys untiol maybe tomorrow - or when we get into Amsterdam in a few days.

Friday, August 25, 2006

In Italy

Hey, here we are in Italy. Milano, the city of fashion and flash! Eating pizza with our friend Vanni! He says, "Hey, from Nicholas."

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The French Riviera.

Have I mentioned that my kind of vacation is one where you don't do alot, the weather and scenery and nice, and you can drink little drinks with umbrellas in them? Except for the little umbrellas, I was there. Except it was even more beautiful than I imagined. Did I mention the weather was fantastic? Here's the proof.

Yep, there's the water.

And there we are playing in it! Cedric, Michiko and Mauricio.

I'm contributing my whiteness to the beach. All the french here are sooooo tan. I know its the end of the season, but even so. I felt practically fluourescent.

Its a beach. A really nice one. We even rented a paddleboat thing for an hour. It was really fun!

Sheik Richard.

The Wedding - congrats Cedric and Michiko!

So the reason that we came to Europe in the first place was to go to Cedric and Michikos wedding. Here are the beautiful people that got married and some of the other folks that came to hang out. Mostly other french people, but hey we ARE in France. He he.
This was our first view of France from the plane. Pretty spectacular.

Ooooh, a visitor in our trailer. And he's edible! Free lunch.

The bride and groom the morning of the wedding.

Cedrics mother Pascale and brother Pierre.

Cedrics dad Gerard.

Me and the brides mom Kuniko. One of the few pictures of me on this day as I was the one snapping most of the pics that day.

The bride right before the wedding - waiting in the car. Does she look nervous?

And the groom. Looking good Ced!

And finally! Here they are the happy married couple.

One last pic. French people play fun games after the wedding like, can you identify your new husband by his hairy legs?

Anyways, congratulations Cedric and Michiko!!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Finally some pictures :) London!!

Alright guys, here are the pics from our first few days in Europe. Enjoy!!!

Hellooooo London. We managed to catch the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. Our hotel was not great, however location wise it was fantastic. We were literally a 5 minute walk from the palace.

Atten-SHUN! Tai and Richard at The Guards Museum. Its kinda weird. We met Tai in Canada. Then moved to Japan, and we live only an hour away from him, then he went to England on business - he's here for 6 months, but we didn't know until we emailed him about our trip. Then we saw him in London. We asked him, so which country is next? He said, "New Zealand". I guess we'll be seeing you soon Josh and Gypsy. LOL!

Westminster Abbey. Beautiful!

Quick! Into the tardis!

Big Ben.

The parliament buildings from across the Thames.

The London Eye.

Eros fountain in Piccadilly Circus.

The tower of London. He he.
In case you didn't notice, take a look at the weather in these pics. These pics are all from the same day. Gotta love it!
Well, thats London. I will post some pics of the wedding and France tomorrow!