Sunday, December 09, 2007

Lack of blogging

So, we've been crazy busy this last week. I'm still trying to get everything done before we go on vacation! I was hella sick this last week. Sinus infection and a throat infection. Richard has Bronchitis and a sinus infection but now that he's taking medication he's feeling a lot better. I'm feeling much improved now as well though my runny nose and occasional cough is still dragging on a little. Well enough of that!

Next Saturday we hop on our plane to Thailand! Yah! I'm going to have a fab time!!!! I can't wait - it will be like 30 degrees and I will be wearing my bikini at least some of the time. Woo hoo! Its really freezing in Osaka right now - so cold I actually decided to buy a pair of boots today. I can wear them when we get back to Canada next month too :D So there will be beaches, elephants, markets and cheap massages. I can't wait to kick back.

The only thing is I'm quite sad this week.....its my last week at my school and I'm going to miss working there. I quite like my job and coworkers and of course all my little kids! I'm going to miss them! I felt really horrible telling some of my moms last week that I wouldn't be coming back after the Christmas break. :( I know the new teacher will be great with them but I will miss them nevertheless.

A week of ups and downs.


LadyHAHA said...

Lucky! Have fun in Thailand!!!

karaoke queen said...

Its my last vacation for awhile so I am going to have the most super fun time possible that you can cram into a single human being. Yes.