Thursday, April 19, 2007

Cutting Edge

So a small scare. I found a small lump in my thigh about a year or so ago. I had it looked it around that time and was told not to worry as it seemed benign - probably just a blood vessel or something. But, they also said if anything changed at all (size, colour etc) that I should get it looked at again. I went in today to the doctors office as it had turned a kind of pinky/red recently and gotten a little hard. They ended up taking it out right away and it has been sent in for testing. 3 stitches later, I'm back at home and taking a 5 hour nap. I had no idea that even small surgeries make you that tired! I'm sure its fine (as the doctor here seems to think its nothing) but a girl can't but help and worry a little bit.


QUASAR9 said...

lol we want to be free
we like to be rebellious,
but if our body rebels
oooh trouble it spells.

I'm sure it's nothing
surprising how many lumps & bumps
we get are little more than bags of fattyness which grows a surrounding skin, instead of coming out of our pores like simple grease & sweat.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it's nothing too serious. But still good to have these things checked! Take care of yourself.

LadyHAHA said...

I can't believe they found my tracking device....

(in all seriousness, I'm positive its just a lovely lady lump.)

karaoke queen said...

Q - it is crazy what comes out of our bodies isn't it?! The human body is an amazing machine. It's quite amazing that things don't go wrong more often considering what it has to do everyday.

Bec - Thanks girl! I'm sure its nothing.

Elaine - Mwa ha ha. Now you can no longer eavesdrop on my awesomely cool preschool teacher life! And thanks. My lumps is cool.

timmie said...

That reminds me!

One of my favourite spoofs ever :)

karaoke queen said...

LOL! I saw that last week. Maybe I'll put a post up.... I did laugh my ass off.

Ana-chan said...

:) still ok to go for a quite drink. don't necessaaritly have to swing the leg:)
Am sure all will be fine!!!

The Ferryman said...

And now I am worried. You let us know as soon as you hear the results!

karaoke queen said...

Thanks for the good wishes guys - I will definitely let everyone know when I get the results back from the doc. Until then, I will hobble along a little until it heals. It's already looking better today! :D

Anonymous said...

Wishing you well! No more swallowing foreign objects!