Friday, March 16, 2007

I have new hair!

I am not one of those people who gets their hair cut/coloured very often. In fact it can be 6 months or more before I even enter a salon so its exciting for me when I get my hair cut. The winter totally trashed the ends of my hair this year. Japanese winter is not kind. Its humid outside, and with no insulation etc, your house is freezing. So you have to run a heater 24/7 to feel warm - an electric heater which dries out the air. And your hair. Also, an unexpected consequence of buying a new jacket - there are zippers near the top along the collar that my braids kept getting stuck on. Every now and then I would hear a *shrip/snap* where my a few hairs would break after getting stuck. So I cut off a good 5 inches of hair and darkened it to cover my grey hair *sigh*. But the new colour is great and I like the cut. I even got a few bangs. What do you think? I'm not wearing any makeup so be kind!!


Anonymous said...

Like the colour a lot. I am used to seeing you with your hair out of your face (pulled back) and I think I like it better that way, but maybe this is b/c this is what I am used to seeing. Nevertheless, it is a good cut. At the end of the day, however, what matters is if you like it.

Steve said...

It's pretty rockin'.


karaoke queen said...

Hehe. I know what you mean. I haven't had bangs in years. So I'm not quite used to it yet. I will still be able to pull it back it will just take a little more effort :)

Thanks Jock. I'm trying to rock the darker do.

QUASAR9 said...

Hot, hot, hotter still
And with those seductress eyes and look

LadyHAHA said...

Love it!
Hot tamale!

karaoke queen said...

Thanks Q and elaine! I went out last night and 2 Japanese guys tried to pick me up just in the train station. I thought it was pretty funny. I think my cut is a little more Japanese.

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Look at you! Looking a bit Anne Hathaway, I think... But that's just me

karaoke queen said...

Hehe. I'm liking it more.