Sunday, January 07, 2007

Late night antics - when the cat is away....

(This is dedicated to Delly who hasn't updated her blog in weeks!)

Scott will play! The story begins Christmas night 2006. It was also the last night of Club Dunk. Scott was feeling a little lonely since his girl went back to England for the holidays. He had to wait around for a few days before joining her.

Rudolph (aka Naoyuki) had spent Christmas night at our place and we had all decided to see Kouji for one last drink. That was when the fun started...

Scott was feeling the blues so he started to drink his sorrows away. He started to get friendlier as the night wore on. He and Shigeki and Naoyuki were now best of buds!

Soon he was uncontrollable as he donned various Christmas novelty hats and singing karaoke. What a cheeky monkey he was.

Then out of the blue we hear a commotion from the dance floor, where Scott and Rudolph were dancing like pixies a minute before. Yes, like pixies. We look over and witness a spectacle of WWF or WWE proportions!

Here is the replay.

An expert at WWF/WWE playfighting, Scotty had a upperhand. We knew who was in the lead when Scott got Rudolph by the foot.

After the smoke cleared. Delly's beau was the decided victor. Sadly there were no more reindeer games for Rudolph, especially kancho.

To see this exciting action live, go here and check out the last video!

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