Thursday, May 25, 2006

Mmmmm Ramen

Ramen is one of the main staples here in Japan. Funnily enough its not a real Japanese food. It originally came from China but I think a whole generation of Salarymen would die from lack of food if ramen disappeared :) This statue was outside one of the more eccentric ramen shops I've been to. Uuuuuuuugh. He looks kinda constipated which to me doesn't seem like the best advertisement if it were MY ramen shop!


LadyHAHA said...

There are RAMEN SHOPS and I haven't been to one?? oh how have I lived my life without going to a Ramen shop. Tickets to Japan!! Stat!

Thanks for linking me girl...(sniff)

and can you send over some creamy balls when you get a chance? They seriously sound delish.

karaoke queen said...

well elaine, if you'd like some, you'll have to give me an address :) I can send you a crazy japan snacks care package. Mmmmm dried octopus jerky! Seriously though. Care package. Creamy balls, and more...

LadyHAHA said...

SERIOUSLY? You would do that? I love dried octopus Jerky.. I'm not kidding either.. my mom buys some dried squid jerky from the 99 Ranch Store here and its delish! Yeah, I think I might have to email you my address. :D

karaoke queen said...

Yeah, its quite cheap to ship from Japan. I was quite surprised actually when I sent a bunch of stuff home for me and richards fam. I think it only cost $50 to send 6 packages. Cheap! Hmmm, I think my email adress is in my profile. If its not I will put it in :) You can email me your address. We wouldn't want some other random person sending you presents now would we!!

Malnurtured Snay said...

It looks like a crazy anime version of Kenny!

karaoke queen said...

He does kinda doesn't he. I wonder how the ramen eating kenny would die.....?